I mate Shannon 2 weeks after arriving to Or, that was 2.1/2 years ago now.Our kids were in the same classes and she happened to be a photographer too!! I have grown to like her immencely over the few years spent near each other (I leave write around the corner for her). Shannon is quoit a BIG DEAL to me, in many ways, she is an AMAZING photographer, quoit a Big Deal in fact!!( I have learned so much from her). She is a great mother and a very loving and giving friend. She would absolutely never admit that she is simply Amazing, but will go along me jockeying wen I say that she is a Big Deal.. Even if really she think little off herself witch make her even a BigGer deal to me.
She is the quiet kind (I usually do all the talking) with a very witty humor that snap you on the butt wen you the least expect it, cutting the wind out of your pipe and making you giggle inside.
Wen I saw the Big Deal T-shirt I thought off her and she humored me by Playing the part,even if I had to bag a little,OK.. a lot!! but it was a fun time spent together witch made it all worth it.
Thank you Shannon for being a wonderfull and loving friend to me.